And Sallyanne they had a mustang too!!

Went to buy a crochet hook and look what I parked near

Now who drives a hot rod to the supermarket???!

I'm tracking across the car park and I love orange cars & spot this!

I am getting closer to my crochet hook when I saw this & thought Matt you never parked ones like this in the drive!!!

And then for my brother the guru of smart cars this is the only one in emerald I never realised they are so TINY!! No wonder you own two of them Ben two only make up space of one car!!!!!!

Finally got the crochet hook and I will show you what I made later in the week I was working hard to finish it but I have had two "have you done your blog yet" texts so here's a sneak peek

the finished product is for another blog post!
Yup! They are small, but a ton of fun, they are just like driving a go-kart on the road... they go like crazy, corner like crazy, and are a total blast to drive with the top down!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the car pic's, seems to be a town where there is some money and some boredom, so they take it out on their cars. Nice!