There's a buzz of excitement in the air!

Straight to my First class

This turned into this

It was a Jane treganzza class shes been a graphic 45 DT for three years and her work is amazing she has 5 kids, owns a store and teaches all over the world its credit to her how she juggles it all.
and Then my next class I made this, I stepped out of my comfort zone as those who know me if its yukky messy go everywhere product ie glitter, or glimmermist etc I don't like it so I don't use it! Well I was up to my armpits in goop in this class but I survived and turned out not bad for a first effort!

Jo' class made this in napkin covering journal class its not her colour choice but she learnt some different techniques and just so your not wondering the dress is made from a wet one!!

In between classes theres Lots to see- Jo loves art journals

Heres a familiar friendly face!! Karen was 'working' chatting to everyone!!!

Do you how hard it was to get a photo of this without trillions of people! Project life our favourite and it was soooo disappointing! No new stock, no prices but it was the busiest of busy stands!!

Gotta run will post more later!
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