My man gave this at the airport

Its a survival kit ,here's the instructions!

It was heaps of fun and Paul was very clever with his choices he really is an amazing guy love him heaps! Oh and I called the little stuffed dog 'expo' thought that was fitting for a scrapbooking weekend!!
When I arrived Jo met me at the train station and she had decorated my room!!

It was such a nice surprise. And made me feel special - thanks Jo!
Something Jo really noticed and we couldn't get over was the buses there were ALOT of buses!

They were everywhere! Considering Emerald doesn't have buses (there is no bus service here) we have a school bus and there's a bus that picks up the miners and takes them out to the mines but that's it, so seeing more than one bus is alot for me! Jo is used to Ballarat buses and even she thought brisbane had an usual large dose of them, I think they were following her as they always came when she was there!!
We were waiting for the air train to take us to the airport

And I notice this on the side of SOME of the carriages

We didn't know what it meant how can an electric train be quiet??? Anyway we jump on our train when it came just randomly picked a carriage at this point it was Jo who picked and you guessed it
She picked a quiet carriage

Basically she tried to killed me because you had to be quiet and not make noise! No one was talking, you could hear a pin drop! if I wanted to talk to Jo I had to text, I just wanted to run up the carriage making noise just to see what would happen!!! But I was good sitting there being quiet and Jo wasn't very sympathetic at all, she text me and told me to play games on my phone!! Yes mum!!! Next time I'm picking the carriage we ride in!!!!
Awwhhh, paul is so sweet. And I can just imagine you Sue in the quiet train carriage.... NOT! I'm laughing out loud.