It was nice to have the rain but it made our traveling quite the adventure we left straight after work. It was still raining & we had to pull over at times as it was so heavy you just couldn't see. About an hour into the trip we drive out of the storms and into the sunshine! Yahee!
On the vast flatness there's a blip on the horizon !!

Then there's the stacks of overburden that go for kilometres!

Another blip on the horrizon

Paul tried to tell me this is were the phantom lives in Australia!!

More coal mines

This section of mine went right under our road

Nothing stops the coal getting through

Dusk is coming so photos harder to take of mine machines

Then the rain & darkness came and we all came to a stop on the hwy for under an hour as there had been a car accident at 1:40pm in the afternoon

We finally got through after 8pm they were just lifting the car then

It was very sad as two young boys 9 & 15 yrs died at the scene and there parents were airlifted out. They were 20 minutes from home and hit water on the road and aqua planed into a truck. It was very sobering and tho we were temporally inconvenienced that poor family have a lifetime of sadness. Because of this all the cars were banked up for kilometres so it was a matter of just sitting in behind and following ,no one over took anyone we were all sobered from the scene we'd seen.
On a lighter note - this is were we stayed down at the marina


Rooms even come with gekkos! This little guy has made his way up 7 floors and into the bathroom! Ambitious little guy!!

View from our room

Pretty hard to take!! It was just wonderful to be up high & to see out -didn't hurt my eyes at all !!
We went out to check the breakwater

There were jet skiers having a blast flying over the waves

The beach was pretty deserted

Think this has a lot to do with this!!!

Then the super exciting bit--all I wanted to do was go to

They even had a sausage sizzle for Paul !! It was gigantic store packed with goodies!! Oh the fabric, oh the choices!! But I was good, want to see what I chose??

These beauties the light isn't great, but they are red grey and navies yummy!!

Then we drive up to the beaches to check them out, kinda got in a bit of bother coz I was texting and apparently I should have been map reading, consequently we got to see more of Mackay then we planned!
The tide was out

And I was frustrated with the iPhone coz it wasn't capturing the colours as the water was a magnificent green

This is to my front turn round and this was at my back

These poor people have to suffer that view!!!

Lunch time!

Yep Paul poked his fish full off holes so he could pour lemon juice into it and make it slosh! I just thought you needed to know that! (& besides I had to watch him do it its the least I can do to share!!!)

The trees colours are vibrant

Back down along the marina

We went out for dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary and I LOVE to eat outside so we were down by the waters edge

The BEST steak we have ever eaten! If your'e ever in Mackay - eat here!

Sooo romantic!

Morning! Sunrise from our balcony

Then we were heading home Mackay means sugar cane! Its everywhere!

Sugar refinery


Once out of sugarcane we are back into coal

Flying over a bridge as coal train goes under

Mine camp

Overtaking road train

There's mine camps and there's mine camps ..this one is a mac camp they are the elite camps the best of the best but its stuck in middle of nowhere, this one is two story and the driver wouldn't slow down so pictures blurry.

Dump truck

Coal train

Very flat and boring

So when you do see something you get excited! Here's the Moranbah road house

Just a bit more overburden

Under a coal mine

Coal tour guides!

There ...I think you've had enough coal photos to last a lifetime! See ..you'll never wonder now what its like out here!!!
You've just been to Mackay & back - took us four and half hours one way, but you did it in far less!!!
We had a fantastic weekend away and we had a wonderful time celebrating 28 years! I just LOVE doing life with Paul he's the best. When my 17 yr old heart fell for this guy I knew it would be good but its been way better than I could ever dream of! No it hasn't always been a bed of roses & sure I've wanted to chuck it all in, but marriage is about sticking, not quitting, its about putting someone else before yourself & giving your marriage priority. And it helps if you laugh lots & have fun! Sorry girls I did get the best guy!

Happy anniversary Paul and Sue - 28 years!! Glad you got to get away and celebrate. Deb M