Lets Celebrate!!!
After five loooooooong weeks we have our laundry back!!
The machines have wandered around,there last spot was here

Now they are back were they belong!

Yep we know its not painted and I don't think it will be but we don't care its wonderful not to have to visit the laundromat the worst thing was scrounging up all the loose change !!!!!

So we are cheering & clapping and doing a bit of washing too !!!

The magazine is shutting down and with this news it brings alot of memories-for me CK was the very first mag I ever bought and was hooked! I just loved reading & following the lives of the regulars! And who remembers these??? I used to hang out every year to see who made it to the top of scrapbook world, I still have every edition!

And these two

Its amazing how far they have come since those early days.
Hasn't becky come a long way since sketches!

So its sad that CK isn't anymore as it has impacted every scrappers life I'd say but then I can see how the old read a magazine days have died with the Internet and blogs at our fingertips & so readily available and up to date where as mags are kinda old news before they even hit the shops!!! Now all the mags I still have will become collectors items!!!
The joys of living in Queensland

I hate them! I do wonder about the sanity of those who don't mind them ! at night you can hear them scuttle across the floor - yukko! We had to win the war against these rotten little pests so Paul bought this stuff that he sprays around the unit and outside, he calls it the death zone, and it works supa well and I only have dead cockies now!

Sometimes they're on the last throes of death and tho on their backs they wriggle there legs and feelers and I can just hear Sally going ewwwwww!!!!!
Now just so that image isn't burned forever in your brains heres a splash of COLOUR!

Love hibiscus they are such a happy flower !
And thats it for today so in the famous words of Sesame Street- today's blog is brought to you by the letter C!!!!!!
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