Drum roll.....this is our first of monthly show n tells of our PL pages! We've talked about this for years, we've wanted to be doers of PL not just looking, admiring everyone else's efforts so we've decided 2014 is the year!!! And so we have a deadline and a goal, each month we are loading our pages on the blog. We are all different stages in our lives, we are all have different styles, but there's one thing we all have in common and that is we love family and we love scrapbooking and PL let's us showcase our love of both!!! So without further ado here's our title pages for 2014!




What a great start, love them all ! And if anyone wants to join in contact me and we'd love you go join us! Check out more pages on the last Sunday of every month, it'll be our regular blog spot to showcase PL.
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