It took me a while to catch on but Emerald doesn't have box of softie sales as its a HUGE seller ALL year round up here so they don't have it on special. This is the first time since Paul's been here over a year that its been on sale so its the big chance for everyone from school tuck shops, mine camps etc to stock up!!!

Yee ha!!! The rodeo came to town!

To me this is country- generations from the land

This is the back of the rodeo and those white lights off in the distance- is the train rumbling past!

Bucking horses

Bucking bulls

Age has no barrier these kids "rode" poddys

And here they are receiving there awards - the little guy with the white hat - he won $50 for staying on the longest!!

To finish off the long weekend we headed out to the dam today its hot 38 degrees it got to today, so a dip in the dam is refreshing'
Its very dry out here

Driving over the spill way

This is looking back towards Emerald very flat & boring

The dam foreshore

Back to work tomorrow( back to aircon) it was very nice having a public holiday in October but don't worry southern state we don't get Melbourne cup!
And daylight saving has started!!!! So we are an hour behind!

Paul says you are now an hour ahead of normal!
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