See all those 32,31,30's???!! Hee hee you enjoy rugging up wont you!!!
What it also means is the pool is open this week - YAHEE! They closed for "winter" and now its open! its an outdoor pool just has a roof to keep the sun off but I enjoy doing some laps before work.
My wonderful man bought me a pressy and what I think is awesome is that he remembered I wanted a yellow pot to go with my red & blue chairs!

And if I don't kill it it will flower again next year for me!!
I've always had a little craft space to myself for the past 25yrs but since moving I've been "experimenting" with locations.
When the boys watch footy I hang out on the bed

Its a bit wobbly using the cuttlebug & I keep finding bits of paper stuck to the bedspread etc so not sure its the best place!
Yesterday I put 178 photos into 15 plastic divided pages ( project life style) (don't worry Ben the girls know what I'm talking about!!!)

So I went outside to spread out and do that job ( its just an old doona I dug out has cars all over it which I didn't think about at the time of photographing but I just needed something to keep photos out of the dirt!!)
And to scrap I've been standing at the kitchen bench which is the only flat surface besides the floor as there's not enough room in the flat for a table & chair

So here I am amongst the fruit and Daves coke glass collection from Maccas & the flowers are from my man coz he totally spoils me! So this is what I "cooked" up today

So you're the one keeping the photo printing business in business!!!!