Sunday, 10 March 2013


Thought I'd give you a little tour of the local newspaper -our only newspaper. It only comes out twice a week, Wednesdays and Fridays!  It has taken a while to get used to not having a read of the paper on a Saturday morning with my cuppa and toast, its not the same to read day old news with your brekky!!  We seem to have have a lot of road accidents up here and for the past 4 newspapers its been accidents which is rather a shame but very typical of living out here a lot of single car accidents.

But Ray White did win some top awards which is a HUGE feather in the companies cap.

The obituaries- a total of 3 this week! I think its because there aren't many old people here in emerald so not many to die!  No one retires to emerald, its a working town so people have a plan and purpose for being here, they stay there 5 years and move on, smart move!!


And this is bit I have the most trouble with - the junk mail! I love reading junk mail but I've never known anything like it as its always MALE related!!!!  Every single piece is targeted at men!!!! I didn't think guys read the junk mail!!!! No jewelery, no clothes, no shoes its all men`s stuff?!?! Who wants to buy a generator, or esky!?!

This was Fridays junk mail and the top left is for bundergerg rum - special editon - $104 per bottle but wait for it - LIMIT 30 per adult!!! I kid you not!  

And if you're wondering how the horse is going - he's making himself right at home!!!

He does have issues tho!  He LOVES to look at himself!!! His reflection in the sliding glass doors has him totally intrigued and spends ages checking himself out!!!


  1. Anonymous1:55:00 pm

    Can't believe the horse is still there!!!!! Tracey D

  2. Wow, Sue. Those bags are awesome. Is that some tiny little jeans I see on the front of your denim bag? So cute.
    The paper is a bit different to the courier, hey!
    Love your blog. It's so entertaining.
